Our team has compiled a few important news from the past days concerning medical device’s regulation and the Brazilian regulatory system:  Field safety correction action information is now submitted to ANVISA by electronic system Since the 22th of July manufacturers must submit field safety correction action information via ANVISA’s electronic [...]
In 2014, ANVISA created a management model for its regulatory stock based on the organization of thecurrent rules, monitoring their effectiveness and generating inputs for their review. The goal was, and still is, to make the stock more efficient, rational, clear and understandable. According to civil servant Raianne Liberal Coutinho, the [...]
INMETRO has issued a public consultation regarding the proposal for what they are calling a “New regulatory model for INMETRO”. The main goal, according to INMETRO’s director Gustavo Kuster, is to make Brazilian market safer for society and citizens and to create a less bureaucratic and more simple system. The action is a part of... Leia mais [...]
For the third consecutive year, Domo Salute has participated in the most relevant Latin American showcase in the health sector: Hospitalar Trade Fair. At Rio Grande do Sul’s collective stand, which was organized by Sebrae RS, Health Technology Cluster and the State Government, companies had the opportunity to advertise their products and [...]
A significant number of manufacturers that look for our regulatory services are not just searching for ANVISA registration services, their doubts are related to INMETRO certification processes and their requirements, which many times are not thoroughly discussed when planning a regulatory strategy for medical devices’ registration in Brazil. [...]
DOMO Salute attended two events this month: SAHE (South America Health Exhibition) and Expert Directory Event 2019, promoted by Swiss Business Hub Brasil. SAHE, which took place from March 12th to March 14th, held more than twenty forums, gathering over 400 speakers throughout the three-day schedule, thus offering around 400 hours of content [...]
On March 1st, 2019, ANVISA published RDC 270 / 2019 in the Brazilian Official Gazette. The new legislation deals with the migration of the cadastro route to the notification route for Class I medical devices (materials, equipment and IVD products). RDC 270/2019 amends RDCs 36 and 40/2015 and shall enter into force as of May... Leia mais »
Arab Health is the largest healthcare event in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. More than 4,150 exhibitors from 160 countries and 84,500 visitors expected to attend Arab Health 2019 taking place from 28 – 31 January in Dubai, UAE and DOMO SALUTE will be part of it for the first time. It... Leia mais »
  Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s new president, began his four-year mandate on January 1st. One of the attributions of the new Brazilian leader is the structuring of his team and his ministers are the most important people in this group. The new Health Minister, Luiz Henrique Mandeta, is a doctor from Campo Grande city, Mato Grosso... [...]